Thursday, September 24, 2009

Statics, Snorkeling, and Water Polo

This is the story of my (quasi) first day of graduate school.

This morning I got up, showered, grabbed some breakfast, and headed for the bus. I started freaking out when the first bus, around 8:30, passed by because it was full. Having to be in class at 9:30 I was worried that if the next bus passed by that I'd have to try and drive to campus, try for a parking spot, and dash off to class. Needless to say, the 15-minute wait between the first and second buses was a bit uneasy. Thankfully the 8:45 bus was not full and I was able to get on board!

Statics, the class I'm TA-ing for, met from 9:30 to 10:50 in Pepper Canyon Hall. The class itself went really well, as Michael (another TA) and myself were introduced to the 100 or so students, then Dr. Van Den Einde covered some basic material. All-in-all it went smoothly, though we didn't really do much. After class I headed to the bookstore to grab my textbooks before grabbing the bus back down to La Jolla. Upon arriving at home I made a sandwich and then took a nice nap until mid-afternoon.

Ryan and I headed down to the Cove to do a little snorkeling once I woke up. As he had described it, it's kind of like swimming in a big fish tank with all the aquatic life you can see. There were lots of Garibaldi (bright orange, and the official marine state fish of CA), yellowtails, and rockfish, and you could see very well in the clear water - I really enjoyed it! It was my first time to try out my new gear that I'd picked up at Play It Again Sports, and most of it worked great except that the mask I got let in some water around my nose. I'm going to try and re-fit the mask before going out again. I'm also thinking about grabbing a disposable underwater camera so I can show you all how much there is to see!

After we got back, Ryan, Keri, Jon, and myself headed up the street a block to La Jolla High School where the UCSD water polo team was playing Loyola Marymount University. The match had been moved from the UCSD on-campus arena to the school because of some sort of mechanical issue in the on-campus facility, but it worked out really nicely for us since we could walk up there! Unfortunately we lost the match 7-4, but it was a good time and there was a surprising amount of fan support for the team, making a really fun environment.

We just got home and I'm probably going to make it an early night since I have to be on campus by 9 tomorrow for my first real class as a graduate student. I've posted a copy of my schedule so that everyone can have know what my days are like. Here's what each of the classes are:

SE201 - Structural Analysis
SE253A - Mechanics of Composites & Laminates
SE271 - Solid Mechanics
SE290 - Graduate Student Seminar Series
SE101A - Statics

More to come soon!

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