Saturday, September 5, 2009

Raleigh to Nashville

Day one of the great western adventure included roughly 8 hours of driving en route from Raleigh to Nashville, Tennessee. We made it to Janis' (Mom's 1st cousin - Poppa's brother's daughter, and my 1st cousin, once removed, as we later discovered) house just north of Nashville proper by about 4:00 PM CDT, but not before having a fun first day on the road.

After leaving Raleigh around 7:30 AM EDT this morning Mom and I stopped in Greensboro to hang out with Acer and Flick (Maddie and Lisa) at McDonald's for a bit of breakfast and catching up one last time. It was so great to see both of them! We got back on the road around 9:30 AM and made it across into Tennessee before stopping in the small town of Hartford for some gas, lunch, and a driver switch. Mom made it driving the rest of the way to Nashville with only a brief stop in Cookeville, TN. We spent most of the afternoon - from around Asheville to Nashville - listening to the UT Volunteers football game on the radio. It's a good thing they won over Western Kentucky 63-7, otherwise Tennessee might not have been such a pleasant place to drive through!

Janis' "boyfriend," daughter, her husband, and their nearly-one-year-old daughter joined us for dinner, which included Memphis-style ribs, homemade cole slaw, and delicious corn bread. Afterward Janis took Mom and I out on the town in downtown Nashville to all the bars along Broadway and 2nd Avenue in downtown. It was really cool to see all of Janis' hot spots. I really enjoyed walking around and seeing Nashville - I even had two beers at Big River Brewery, a local microbrewery, and they were both delicious! She's been a great host, and Mom and I both wish we could spend more time trying to keep up with Janis' late nights!

I'm having to cut this first day's entry a bit short because tomorrow is going to be a long day - we're getting up around 6:15 to hit the road by 7 en route to Oklahoma City. I'll be halfway across the country in 2 days!

Song of the Day: "In My Room" by Albert Hammond Jr.
Distance Driven Today: 548 miles
Total Distance Driven: 548 miles
Distance to Go: 2,170 miles

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